21st – 23rd January, Milan, ITALY: Fuori Asse Focus
23rd April, Montiglio Monferrato (AT) and other places, ITALY: Mon Circo
30th May – 3rd June, Zagreb, CROATIA: Cirkorama / Cirkobalkana
18th – 26th June, Udine, ITALY: Terminal
27th June – 1st July, Reggio Emilia, ITALY: Fuori Dinamico
5th – 10th July, Porto, PORTUGAL: Trengo
12th – 18th September, Reggio Emilia, ITALY: Fuori Dinamico
17th – 18th September, Vila Nova de Gaia, PORTUGAL: Cupula
24th September, Split, CROATIA: Cirkus Kolektiv
27th – 28th September, Belgrade, SERBIA: Cirkusfera / Cirkobalkana

SOLO BUT NOT ALONE is an international mentorship project for 5 Italian contemporary circus artists who are currently creating solo-shows. The main aim of the project is to empower Italian artistry abroad by supporting the production and the distribution of the selected artists in European contexts. Nowadays the creation of solo shows seems to be a distinctive feature of the Italian circus scene. Despite being frequently intended as solitary processes, solo acts are the result of interacting invisible forces, contexts and subjects. The main objective of SOLO BUT NOT ALONE is to bring the selected projects to a state of full artistic maturity through diverse actions and strategies (residencies, previews, work-in-progress…) within a specific Focus Italy hosted by each country. SOLO BUT NOT ALONE is one of the 4 actions powered by Quattrox4 for the support of circus professionalism in Italy since 2021.
The project is curated by Quattrox4 (leader organizazion), Circo all’Circa, Dinamico, MagdaClan.
The foreign partners are Cirkorama (Croatia), Cirkusfera (Serbia), Erva Deninha and INAC (Portugal).
The project is funded by the Italian Ministry of Culture (Boarding Pass Plus 2021/2022 – Circus)
supported by